The age old adage you get what you pay for is true in most situations in life. It's the value of the service you receive per dollar that really makes the difference. When it comes to driving schools in the area most prices are about the same. With that aspect in mind you can really get some value for your dollar. Here is a listing of pricing and services in the area
17 & Younger 38 Hour Course
Victor Manning $450
Lingle Driving Academy $450
Drive Dat Driving Academy $450
St. Charles Driving Academy $450
NOLA Driving Institute $450
18 & Older 14 Hour Driving Course
Victor Manning $400 plus $50 for Road Skills Test= $450
Lingle Driving Academy $400 plus $50 for Road Skills Test= $450
Drive Dat Driving Academy $400 plus $60 for Road Skills Test= $460
St. Charles Driving Academy $400 Plus $40 for Road Skills test = $440
NOLA Driving Institute $400 Road Skills Test Included =$400
How Long Will I Have to Wait for the Driving Portion
The next thing that you should be concerned with is how long will it take to complete the driving portion of your driver's education course. While the industry standard norm has been 2 to 3 months some are less and some are better at getting students on the road sooner. Before you decide on a driving school ask what the wait for the driving portion. NOLA Driving Institutes wait time is 1 to 3 weeks depending on the flexibility of your schedule.
These drive times are seriously affected by the number of cars the driving school has and how many hours a week the staff is willing to work.
If you have Driver's Education needs please contact us at 504-382-9715 or 504-701-7881
or you can register online at